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Despite Our Body

When I consider my weaknesses, I wonder how God could ever fulfill the promises he’s written over my life. With a heart that tends to scurry in fear, and a mind that loves to do dead sprints (especially in the winter after all the million holidays omg), I am assured that God still moves despite all of it. All of me.

I love how Romans talks about Abraham’s faith. “He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead.” He was in his 70s when God promised him and Sarah a kid. He and Sarah’s bodies were worthless to bring about God’s promise. “But he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced God was able to keep his promise.” And God did. He kept his promise.

Despite his body — despite my mind, despite any anxieties or depression or disease or failing bones or diagnosis — he’s able to keep his promise. God’s able to fulfill his plan for you. Be fully convinced. His promise to you is true.